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Bibliografická citace

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(4) Půjčeno:4x 
Brussels : Eurydice, 2001
186 s.

ISBN 2-87116-324-3 (brož.)
Eurydice survey ; [vol.] 4
Obsahuje předmluvu, dodatek
Bibliografie: s. 179-181
Technologie informační - vzdělávání - Evropská unie - studie
Vzdělávání - technologie informační - Evropská unie - studie
Foreword 7 // I. ICT and education: discussion and action at European level 9 // 1. The terms of the debate 9 // • ICT in relation to the educational players involved 10 // • ICT in relation to arrangements for teaching 1 2 // • ICT in relation to the way education is organised 1 3 // • A summary of the main issues 14 // 2. The action of the European Union 15 // • The Educational Software and Multimedia Task Force 16 // • The Learning in the Information Society Action Plan 17 // • The Socrates Programme 18 // • The eLearning initiative and action plan 1 8 // • The 1ST Programme 21 // • The European Computer Driving Licence 22 // • Eurydice publications on ICT in education 23 // II. Results of the survey 25 // 1. Action to enhance equipment and facilities 25 // 2. Teacher training initiatives 27 // 3. The inclusion of ICT in courses 30 // 4. Specific supporting initiatives 31 // 5. Concluding observations 33 // III. National descriptions 35 // Bibliography 179 // Acknowledgements 183

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