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(1) Půjčeno:1x 
1st ed.
Harlow : Longman, 1991
59 s.,[4] s.příl. : il.

ISBN 0-582-00994-4 (brož.)
Obsahuje kresby
Angličtina - předložky - pracovní sešity
Contents // Introduction // 1 Where? 1 // Positions in a town (at Jarfrom, opposite,...) // Positions in a building (above, at the top of, on the third floor,...) // 2 Where? 2 // Positions in a picture (on the left of, in the middle of...) // Positions in relation to objects (inside, beside, behind,...) // 3 Where? 3 // Positions on a map (south of, off the coast, 10 km from,...) // Positions in relation to landscape (in the mountains, on a river, off the road,...) // 4 Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 1,2 and 3 // 5 Direction 1 // In a town (along, as far as, turn left into,...) // In a building (out of, into, up, through,...) // 6 Direction 2 // Across, over, off, on to, past,... // 7 Direction 3 // Between places (go to, arrive in/at, leawe for; towards, into, out of...) // 8 Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 5,6 and 7 // 9 When? 1 // In 1989, in the winter, in April; on Friday, on 8 April; at Easter Omission of preposition before last, this,... // In the morning, at 6 o’clock // 10 When? 2 // Dates and periods (before, until, during, since,for,...) // 11 Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 9 and 10 // 12 How? // Ways of travelling (by car, in her car, on foot,...) // How things are made (of out of, by, with) // 13 What are they like? // Describing people (of 18, with a big smile, with a guitar, in a white blouse) // As and like // Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 12 and 13 Adjectives 4- prepositions 1 // Feelings and behaviour (good to/about, pleased with/about,...) // About 4- gerund // Adjectives 4* prepositions 2 // Some usual combinations (good at, afraid о/, interested in, keen on,...) Combinations -I- gerund // Adjectives + prepositions 3 // Good for, capable of, bored with, famous as,... // Combinations + gerund // Mixed practice: adjective + preposition combinations from Units 15,16 and 17 Verbs 4- prepositions 1 // So
Some usual combinations (listen to, ask for, look at, look after,...) // Speak, etc. to someone about (4- gerund) // Verbs 4- prepositions 2 // Run into/over/after, smile at, shout at/to,... // Verbs 4- prepositions 3 // Combinations often found in formal letters (apologise/or, look forward to, hear from,...) // Combinations 4- gerund To be employed in/as,... // Verbs 4- prepositions 4 // Concentrate, etc. on (4- gerund) // Obligatory indirect object (accuse someone of) // Combinations 4- gerund // Mixed practice: verb -I- preposition combinations from Units 19,20,21 and 22 Usual phrases 1 // Nouns 4- prepositions (a visit to, plan for, book on/about, cause of, increase in,...) Usual phrases 2 // Prepositions 4* nouns (to be at college, to go to college,...) // With or without article? (in hospitalHn the hospital,...) // For lunch, on holiday,... // Usual phrases 3 // A miscellany, including opposites (by mistake/on purpose, out of date/up to date,...) // Mixed practice: combinations from Units 24,25 and 26 // Answer key

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