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Bibliografická citace

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Praha : Academia, 1989

ISBN 80-200-0009-7
CONTENTS // Officers of the Conference ... 13 // List of Participants ... 15 // Section 1 Normal development and function of insect reproductive organs (morphological, physiological and biochemical aspects of development, hormonal regulation) // LÄUFER H., LANDAU M., HOMOLA E. // Endocrine control of reproduction in Crustacea ... 21 // SLÁMA K. // Role of the autonomic nervous system (Coelopulse) in // insect reproduction ... 23 // ADAMS T.S., FILIPI P.A. // The role of juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids, ovaries and // the corpus allatum-cardiacum complex, in regulating // vitellogenin levels in the housefly, Musca domestica ... 39 // ISHIZAKA S., BHASKARAN G., DAHM K.H. // Juvenile hormone production and ovarian maturation in // adult Manduca sexta ... 49 // ZACHARDOVÁ D., SEHNAL F., LANDA V. // r // Makisterone A content and gonadal development in Pyrrhocoris apterus reared under long versus short photoperiods ... 59 // OSANAI M. // Arginine degradation cascade in the spermatophore of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori. A new energy-supplying system for spermatozoa maturation and the role of spermatozoa ... 73 // KUNKEL J.G., BOWDAN E., KINDLE H., LANZREIN B. // An inhibitory role of glucose in the vitellogenic // process ... 85 // BENNETTOVÁ B., MAZZINI M. // The innervation of female reproductive tract of Phormia // regina Meigen ... 87 // SUGAWARA T. // Neural control of fertilization in the cricket, // Teleogryllus commodus ... 101 // bUning J., SOHST S. // The ovary of Hystrichopsylla: Structure and previtellogenic growth ... 113 // PAPÁČEK M., GELBIČ I. // Development of the male internal reproductive system in the saucer bug(Ilyocoriscimicoides L.) (Heteroptera: // Naucoridae)... 125 // SAXENA B.P., TIKKU K. // Ultrastructural studies of two tissues in Dysdercus koenigii testis and their role in spermiogenesis ... 141 // LAWRENCE P.O. //
Reproductive physiology of the parasitic wasp, Biosteres longicaudatus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) ... 153 // RENUCCI M., RAGE P., AUGIER R., MESSAL J., STRAMBI A. // Locomotor activity, ovipositional movement rhythms, ovaries and corpora allata in adult female Acheta domesticus // (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) ... 171 // Section 2 Regulation of the development of reproductive organs and fertility of insect (biologically active compounds, physical factors) and practical aspects of the regulation of insect reproduction // TAKEDA M., SKOPIK S.O. // Oviposition activity in Gstrinia nubilalis: Mechanisms that // help maintain a stable phase relationship with dusk ... 179 // EC0NGM0P0UL0S A.P., BRUZZONE N.D., JUDT S. // Effect of continuous light and oviposition hole size on the egg production of Mediterranean fruit flies mass-reared for sterile insect technique programmes ... 193 // HUIGNARD J., MGNGE J.P., GERMAIN 3.F. // Influence of thermoperiodic variations on the induction of the reproductive diapause of Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) ... 197 // SEHNAL F., SHINYAEVA L.I., KOZHANOVA N.I., PRALJA I.I., BUROV V.N. // The blocking of early gametogenesis in Hyphantria cunea by juvenoid application to larvae ... 209 // BENNETT0VÁ B., KŘEČEK J., BENNETTOVÁ R.J. // Control of Monomorium pharaonis by methoprene ... 221 // KKK P. // The effects of methoprene on the queens of Pharaoh’s ant, // Monomorium pharaonis , studied by heteronomic // adoptions ... 229 // KGDRÍK D., SEHNAL F. // Inhibition of reproduction in Blatella germanica by // hydroprene S applied in food ... 237 // NĚMEC V.,‘KAH0VC0VÄ 3. // Precocenes: the biological effects and perspectives of // practical use ... 251 // EL-BERMAWY Z.A., DARWISH K.1.K., EL-SHEIKH A.E.A., FARAG A.I., RADWAN H.S.A. //
Potentiation between benzoylphenyl ureas in relation to the cabbage aphid,Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) ... 259 // GELBIC I. // The effects of selected antiviral agents on insects ... 267 // SOCHA R., GELBIC I., SULA 3. // Histological and electrophoretical analysis of the inhibitory action of (R,S)-9-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)adenine on ovarian growth in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera) ... 279 // JOSHI N.K., LATHIKA K.M., RAMAKRISHNAN V., BANERJI A., CHAOHA M.S. // Plumbagin-induced inhibition of ovary development in // Dysdercus cingulatus ... 287 // Section 3 Genetic aspects of insect reproduction // KUZNETSOVA V.G. // The chromosome mechanisms of sex determination in Insecta (with reference to Hemiptera) ... 293 // RUBINI P.G., FRANCO M.G., ROVATI C., VECCHI M. // Genetic variability of the sex balance in European populations of Musca domestica domestica L... 303 // BOULETREAU-MERLE J. // The evolution and seasonal genetic variations in reproductive characteristics of natural D. melanogaster populations ... 317 // YAMASHITA 0., INAGAKI S., INDRASITH L.S., SATO Y., KOBAYASHI M. // cONA cloning, biosynthesis and degradation of egg-specific protein in the silkworm, Bombyx mori ... 327 // FARKAŠ R. // Changes in gene expression of Drosophila embryos induced // by heavy metals ... 335 // MATOLÍN S., ANISIMOV A.I. // An embryological evaluation of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella ... 343 // MAREC F. // Induction of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in // Ephestia kuehniella Zeller ... 347 // LAZURKINA M.V., ANISIMOV A.I. // Gamma-irradiation induced chromosome aberrations detected in spermatocytes of F1 males of the codling moth>... 355 // RAHMAN R., RIGNEY C., BUSCH-PETERSEN E. // Effects of radiation on the larvae of medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) ... 361 // BERRY S.J., KASTERN W.H., JARNOT B., WATSON C., KRYSPIN-SORENSON I. //
Maternal messenger RNA and the direction of insect development ... 365 // Section 4 Fecundity, fertility and population dynamics of insects; pheromones // SAPUNOV V.B., KOVALEV O.V. // Population, dynamics of Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera) // in North Caucasus ... 371 // HODKOVÁ M., HODEK I. // Role of feeding, photoperiod and temperature in the regulation of reproduction by the neuroendocrine system in Pyrrhocoris apterus ... 377 // OKUDA T., HODEK I. // Flight tendency of 2 coccinellids, Semiadalia undecimnotata // and Coccinella septempunctata,in relation to diapause ... 385 // NUMATA H., KOBAYASHI S. // Morphological and behavioral character of adult diapause // and its termination by a juvenile hormone analogue in // Riptortus clavatus ... 401 // HOLMAN J., RAHA S.K. // Generation-specific reproductive and growth tactics in // the birch aphid, Euceraphis betulae (Koch) ... 413 // MITTLER T.E., LAURITZEN M. // Effects of the juvenile hormone analogue kinoprene and // photoperiod on embryogenesis and polymorphism in gynoparae // of the aphid Myzus persicae ... 423 // MOHSEN Z.H., AL-DÜLAIMI S.1., AL-BARAZANJI H., ABOUD T., KASAL S., // LATIF S. // Physiological age of exophilic and endophilic man-biting sandfly,Phlebotomus papatasi Scopoli (Diptera: Phleboto-midae) ... A35 // CHADHA M.S., MAMDAPUR V.R. // Novel synthetic approaches to some sex pheromones of // insect pests prevalent in India ... 447 // METWALLV M.M., GADALLAH A.I., ABDELMONEM A.E., EL-KORDY M.W. // Effects of triflumuron and diflubenzuron on larval // development and emergence of Musca domestica L... 455 // ZELENAYOVÄ E. // Agrotis segetum (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae) oogenesis affected by lead ions added to semisynthetic diet of larvae ... 463 // SMRŽ J. // Reproductive biology of some soil oribatid and acaridid // mites (Acari: Actinedia) ... 475 //
Section 5 Biology of Glossina // STRAMBI C., STRAMBI A., ROBERT A., VANCASSEL N.. DELBECQUE J.P. // The putative functions of ecdysteroids on reproduction. // Glossina as a possible model... 481 // S0LDÄN T., WEYOA F., MAŤHA V. // Tsetse fly mycetome: structure, function and supposed role in nutrition and reproduction ... 489 // WEYDA F., MAŤHA V., S0LDÁN T. // Tsetse fly mycetome in organ culture ... 50] // MAtHA V., WEISER J., SOLDÁN T., WEYDA F. // Tissue common epitope(s) of Glossina palpalis, // their potential role in fly biology - review and // prospect ... 515 // AUTHOR INDEX ... 521 // TAXONOMIC INDEX ... 523 // PLATES ... 527

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