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Bibliografická citace

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Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2004
xv, 692 s. : il.

ISBN 1-84376-127-0 (váz.)
The International library of comparative public policy ; 16
An Elgar reference collection
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Regionalismus - Evropa - sborníky
Rozvoj regionální - Evropa - sborníky
Acknowledgements ix // Introduction Michael Keating xi // 1. Stein Rokkan (1980), "Territories, Centres, and Peripheries: Toward a Geoethnic-Geoeconomic-Geopolitical Model of Differentiation within Western Europe", in Jean Gottmann (ed.), Centre and Periphery: Spatial Variation in Politics, Chapter 9, Beverley Hills and London: Sage Publications, 163-204 1 // 2. Derek W. Urwin (1982), "Germany: From Geographical Expression to Regional Accommodation", in Stein Rokkan and Derek W. Urwin (eds), The Politics of Territorial Identity: Studies in European Regionalism, Chapter 5, London and Beverley Hills: Sage Publications, 165-249 43 // 3. Celia Applegate (1999), "A Europe of Regions: Reflections on the Historiography of Sub-National Places in Modem Times", American Historical Review, 104 (4), October, 1157-82 128 // 4. Urlan Wannop (1997), "Regional Planning and Urban Governance in Europe and the USA", in Michael Keating and John Loughlin (eds), The Political Economy of Regionalism, Chapter 7, London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 139-70, references 154 // 5. Thomas O. Hueglin (1986), "Regionalism in Western Europe: // Conceptual Problems of a New Political Perspective", Comparative Politics, 18 (4), July, 439-58 188 // 6. Anssi Paasi (2002), "Place and Region: Regional Worlds and Words", Progress in Human Geography, 26 (6), 802-11 208 // 7. Derek W. Urwin (1998), "Modern Democratic Experiences of Territorial Management: Single Houses, But Many Mansions", Regional and Federal Studies, 8 (2), Summer, 81-110 218 // 8. Kenichi Ohmae (1993), "The Rise of the Region State", Foreign Affairs, 72 (2), Spring, 78-87 248 // 9. Michael Storper (1995), "The Resurgence of Regional Economies, Ten Years Later: The Region as a Nexus of Untraded Interdependencies", European Urban and Regional Studies, 2 (3), 191-221 258 //
10. Allen J. Scott (1996), "Regional Motors of the Global Economy", Futures, 28 (5), 391-411 289 // 11. Ash Amin (1999), "An Institutionalist Perspective on Regional Economic Development", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 365-78 310 // John Lovering (1999), Theory Led by Policy: The Inadequacies of the "New Regionalism” (Illustrated from the Case of Wales)", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 379-95 // Ray Hudson (1999), ""The Learning Economy, the Learning Firm and the Learning Region: A Sympathetic Critique of the Limits to Learning", European Urban and Regional Studies, 6(1), 59-72 John Agnew (1997), "The Dramaturgy of Horizons: Geographical Scale in the "Reconstruction of Italy by the New Italian Political Parties, 1992-95", Political Geography, 16 (2), February, 99-121 Benito Giordano (2000), "Italian Regionalism or "Padanian” Nationalism - the Political Project of the Lega Nord in Italian Politics", Political Geography, 19, 445-71 Mick Dunford (1994), "Winners and Losers: The New Map of Economic Inequality in the European Union", European Urban and Regional Studies, 1 (2), 95-114 // Ash Amin and John Tomaney (1995), "The Regional Dilemma in a Neo-Liberal Europe", European Urban and Regional Studies, 2 (2), 171-88 // Charlie Jeffery (2000), "Sub-National Mobilization and European Integration: Does It Make Any Difference?", Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (1), March, 1-23 // Liesbet Hooghe and Michael Keating (1994), "The Politics of European Union Regional Policy", Journal of European Public Policy, 1 (3), 367-93 // Brian Hocking (1999), "Patrolling the "Frontier": Globalization, Localization and the "Actorness of Non-Central Governments", Regional and Federal Studies, 9(1), Special Issue, Spring, 17-39
James Wesley Scott (1999), "European and North American Contexts for Cross-border Regionalism", Regional Studies, 33 (7), 605-17 L.J. Sharpe (1993), "The European Meso: An Appraisal", in L.J. Sharpe (ed.), The Rise of Meso Government in Europe, Chapter 1, London and Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1-39 Michael Keating (1998), "Is there a Regional Level of Government in Europe?", in Patrick Le Gales and Christian Lequesne (eds), Regions in Europe, Chapter 1, London and New York: Routledge, 11-29, references // Carlo Trigilia (1991), "The Paradox of the Region: Economic Regulation and the Representation of Interests", translated by Carl Levy, Economy and Society, 20 (3), August, 306-27 Martin Brusis (2002), "Between EU Requirements, Competitive Politics, and National Traditions: Re-creating Regions in the Accession Countries of Central and Eastern Europe", Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 15 (4), October, 531-59 // Regions and Regionalism in Europe // vii // 26. Arthur Benz and Dietrich Fürst (2002), "Policy Learning in Regional Networks", European Urban and Regional Studies, 9 (1), 21-35 // 27. John Loughlin (2000), "Regional Autonomy and State Paradigm Shifts in Western Europe", Regional and Federal Studies, 10 (2), Summer, 10-34 // 641 // 656 // Name Index 681

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