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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2002
xiii,280 s. : il.

ISBN 0-521-63533-0 (brož.)
Obsahuje tabulky, grafy, bibliografické odkazy, předmluvu, rejstřík
Bibliografie na s. 225-267
Role sexuální - gender - studie
Contents // List of figures page x // List of tables xi // Preface xiii // 1 Commonsense beliefs and psychological research // strategies 1 // Commonsense beliefs 1 // Commonsense influences on psychological research 6 // Scientific research and commonsense beliefs 6 // Similarities and differences 8 // The nature of explanations 12 // Research strategies 14 // Nomothetic versus ideographic approaches 14 // Levels of explanation 15 // Sex or gender? 17 // Further reading 18 // 2 Stereotypes, attitudes, and personal attributes 19 // Introduction 19 // The content of gender stereotypes 20 // Stereotypes and roles 23 // Do stereotypes reflect prejudice or reality? 26 // Attitudes towards women and men 28 // Individual differences in stereotypic traits 31 // Gender schema 33 // Masculinity and femininity 35 // Conclusions 37 // Further reading 38 // 3 Origins 39 // Introduction 39 // The origins of sexual reproduction 40 // Why two sexes? 42 // Sexual dimorphism and sexual selection 43 // The sexual natures of men and women 46 // v // vi // Contents // Sexual selection and psychological sex differences 48 // The hunter-gatherer way of life 51 // Gender roles 52 // The origin of patriarchy 54 // Conclusions 56 // Further reading 57 // 4 Developmental influences 59 // Introduction 59 // Socialisation: the information potentially transmitted to boys and girls 60 // Routes of cultural transmission 60 // Parents’ responses to infants 60 // Parents’ treatment of of boys and girls 61
// The social environment outside the family 63 // Socialisation: transmission through social learning 64 // Imitation of role models 64 // The learning of gender-appropriate behaviour 65 // Socialisation: acquisition through cognitive processes 66 // Gender identity 66 // Gender constancy and stability 67 // Cues for identifying sex 69 // Socialisation from a cognitive developmental perspective 70 // Does biological development influence behaviour? 71 // General issues 71 // The role of sex hormones in development 72 // Rough-and-tumble play 73 // Activity levels 74 // A biosocial approach to gender development 75 // Sex-segregation in childhood 77 // Sex-segregated groups as the context for socialisation influences 79 // The boundaries of childhood gender roles 80 // Conclusions: why socialisation and biology are not independent of one another 81 // Further reading 83 // 5 Sexuality: psychophysiology, psychoanalysis, // and social construction 84 // Introduction 84 // The physiological measurement of sexual behaviour 85 // The human orgasm 85 // Sources of sexual satisfaction 88 // Recording and reporting physiological arousal 90 // Questionnaire reports of sexual experience 91 // Contents // vii // Psychoanalytic explanations of sexuality 92 // The unconscious 93 // Psychosexual development 94 // The social construction of sexuality 100 // In the beginning there was man 100 // From two to many 101 // The xanith of Oman: a third gender role? 102 // Native North American genders
103 // Beyond two gender roles 105 // Conclusions 107 // Further reading 107 // 6 Aggression, violence, and power 109 // Introduction 109 // Aggression and violence between members of the same sex 110 // Are men really more aggressive than women? 110 // Which men are likely to be violent? 112 // Women’s aggression 114 // Why is there a sex difference in same-sex violence? 116 // Masculine values and their evolutionary underpinning 116 // The proximate cause of male aggression and violence: is testosterone involved? 119 // Socialisation explanations of men’s aggression 121 // Women’s aggression from an evolutionary perspective 122 // Violence in heterosexual relationships 123 // Sexual aggression 126 // Power, aggression, and violence 130 // Conclusions 133 // Further reading 133 // 7 Fear, anxiety, and mental health 135 // Introduction 135 // Do women experience more negative emotions? 135 // Do women’s emotions fluctuate more than those of men? 137 // Are there sex differences in mental health? 143 // Diagnosing mental disorders 143 // Sex differences in specific disorders 147 // Mood disorders 147 // Anxiety disorders 149 // Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 151 // Eating disorders 151 // Substance-related disorders 152 // Personality disorders 152 // Contents // viii // How are sex differences explained? 153 // Conclusions 158 // Further reading 159 // 8 The domestic sphere 160 // Introduction 160 // The family and marriage 162 // The changing family 163
Women and marriage 164 // The family in history 167 // Mothering and attachment 170 // Attachment theory 170 // Gender-related issues in the development of attachment // bonds: caregivers 172 // Gender issues in the development of attachment bonds: // infants and children 174 // Developmental hazards 174 // Attachment and social development 176 // Fathers and mothers 177 // One-parent families 177 // Mothers’ reports of fathers’ caregiving 179 // Personality differences among fathers 180 // Conclusions 181 // Further reading 181 // 9 Work, education, and occupational achievement 182 // Introduction 182 // Do men get better jobs and earn more money than women? 182 // Are there more men with high intellectual ability? 185 // Specific cognitive abilities 188 // Gender stereotypes in occupations and training 191 // Male chauvinism or masculine chauvinism? 192 // Does sex bias operate in occupational decisions? 194 // Self-stereotyping 201 // Social dominance orientation 203 // Conclusions 205 // Further reading 206 // 10 Looking back and looking ahead 207 // Introduction 207 // The limitations of existing meta-analyses 208 // Age range 208 // National and cultural representation 210 // Historical context 213 // Contents // Major theoretical developments Beyond sex differences Postscript Further reading // 215 // 218 // 223 // 223 // References // Index // 225 // 268

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