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Bibliografická citace

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Prague : Filosofia ; Porto Alegre : PUCRS, 2015
455 stran : ilustrace ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-80-7007-435-0 (Filosofia ; brožováno)
Obsahuje bibliografie, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Vydavatel: Filozofický ústav Akademie věd ČR
Table of Contents // Acknowledgements... 11 // Introduction // Nythamar de Oliveira, Marek Hrubec, // Emil Sobottka and Giovani Saavedra... 13 // I // ARTICULATION OF SOCIAL RECOGNITION // Recognition and the Right to Difference: Critical Theory, // Diversity and the Human Rights Culture // Eduardo C. B. Binar...27 // Affirmative Action, Recognition, Self-Respect: Axel Honneth and the Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory Nythamar de Oliveira...49 // Honneth and Lacan on the Limits of Recognition // Rodrigo Nunes...73 // Recognition and Learning Processes in Modern Societies Emil A. Sobottka...89 // Deflationary Ontology and Objective Ethics: In Search of the Ontological Assumptions of the Theory of Recognition Eduardo Luft... // 105 // RECOGNITION IN LEGAL JUSTICE // The Fabric of Justice: On the Limits of Proceduralism // Axel Honneth... // Between Civil Society and State: Considerations // on Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory of Justice // Hans-Georg Flickingcr...jgl // Legal Good and Recognition: A Study in Axel Honneth’s Social Theory // Fabio Roberto DAvila, Giovani Agostini Saavedra...199 // Minimal Income as Basic Condition for Autonomy Alessandro Pinzani...223 // Recognition and Transitional Justice in Brazil: a Critical Theory Approach on Reasons for a Truth Commission on the Dictatorial Regime of 1964-1985 // Vitor S. L. Biotta, Wilson Levy, Bruitela Vincenzi...239 // III // RECOGNITION IN INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL JUSTICE // Recognition between States: On the
Moral Substrate of International Relations // Axel Honneth...265 // Interstate Recognition and Its Global Overcoming: // Extra-territorial Recognition // Marek Hrubec...287 // Towards a Cosmopolitan Theory of Recognition between States // Prederie Vandenberghe...325 // IV // JUSTICE AND RECOGNITION WITHIN A THEORETICAL CONTEXT // Rawls and Habermas on Justice and Pluralism // Luiz Bernardo Leite Araujo...341 // Deliberative Democracy and Public Reason // Kenneth Baynes...359 // Social Movements and Lifeworld: Making Sense of Subjective Interpretation // Herm í Ho Santos...399 // Rights as Entitlements and Rights as Claims // Marco Antonio Oliveira de Azevedo...423 // List of Contributors...445 // Index...447

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