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Bibliografická citace

0 (hodnocen0 x )
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014]
xii, 483 stran ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-998973-7 (vázáno)
Oxford studies in historical theology
Obsahuje bibliografii na stranách 407-465, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
Contents // Acknowledgments ix // Abbreviations xi // Introduction: Toward a Genealogy of Christian Neopythagoreanism i // PART ONE: The Genesis of Neopythagoreanism: A Synopsis // 1. Platonic Transformations of Early Pythagorean Philosophy 23 // Mathematics as Philosophy in Philolaus and Archytas 27 // Mathematics as Mediation in Plato 30 // Mediation and First Philosophy in the Early Academy 35 // 2. The Neopythagorean Revival: Henology and Mediation 40 // The Origins of Henology in Eudorus and Moderatus 41 // Henology on the Margins of Middle Platonism 45 // Mathematical Theology in Nicomachus of Cerasa 50 // 3. The Late Antique Preservation of Neopythagoreanism 60 // Iamblichus, Proclus, and the Legacy of Nicomachus 62 // Augustine and the Number without number 68 // Boethius and the Fate of the Quadrivium 80 // PART TWO: The Pearl Diver: Thierry of Chartres’s Theology of the Quadrivium // 4. Thierry’s Trinitarian Theology in Context 93 // The Status of Mediation in Twelfth-Century Platonism 95 // The Problem of Bernard’s Gloss 100 // Thierry on Quadrivium and Trinity 107 // viii // Contents // 5. The Discovery of the Fold 119 // Attempts at a Universal Theory of Science 121 // The Achievement of the Modal Theory 126 // Thierry as Neopythagorean Theologian 132 // 6. Thierry’s Diminished Legacy 14° // Confusion about Mediation 45 // An Augustinián Censor 49 // A Late-Medieval Refutation: Word or Number? 156 // PART THREE: Bright Nearness: Nicholas of Cusa’s Mathematical
// Theology // 7. The Accidental Triumph of De docta ignorantia 169 // A Patchwork of Conflicting Sources 175 // Experiments in Chartrian Theology 180 // The Christological Double Synthesis 190 // 8. Chartrian Theology on Probation in the 440s 199 // An Agenda for the 440s in Two Sermons 202 // The Neopythagorean Counterexperiment 206 // Two Paradigms of Mediation 217 // 9. The Advent of Tbeoíogia geometrica in the 450s 222 // The Restoration of Thierry’s Modal Theory 228 // A New Foundation for Mathematical Theology 236 // The Word as Number and Angle 243 // 10. Completing the Circle in the 460s 253 // New Impulses in the Late Works 255 // Incarnation and Neopythagoreanism 261 // Figurae mundi 267 // Epilogue 277 // Notes 281 // Bibliography 4°7 // Index 467

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